n = 500;
w = 10;
h = 4;
x = 0..Math.PI*2*10..#n;
y = Math.Sin(0..360*w..#n) * (h..0.1..#n);
p = Point.ByCoordinates(x,y);
c = NurbsCurve.ByPoints(p);
//Base Curve
c1 = NurbsCurve.ByPoints
//Number of Divisions
n = 500;
//Scale Wave Extent
w = 10;
//Scale Wave Height
h = 5;
//Points on Curve
p1 = c1.PointAtParameter(0..1..#n);
//Normal at Points
n1 = c1.NormalAtParameter(0..1..#n);
//Scale wrt Base Curve Length
s = c1.Length/(Math.PiTimes2*w);
y = Math.Sin(0..360*w..#n) * (h..0.1..#n) * s;
p2 = p1.Translate(n1,y);
//Nurbs Curve
c2 = NurbsCurve.ByPoints(p2);
//Number of Points
ct = 200;
//Amplitude Scale
as = 2;
//Period Scale
ps = 8;
//Base Curve
bc = NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints(Point.ByCoordinates([0,10,40,50],[0,20,20,0]));
cp = bc.PointAtParameter(0..1..#ct);
cn = bc.NormalAtParameter(0..1..#ct);
//Sine Curve
ds = Math.Sin(0..360*ps..#ct)*2;
ic = Math.RemapRange(at.DistanceTo(cp),as,0);
nc = NurbsCurve.ByPoints(cp.Translate(cn,ds*Math.Pow(ic,2)));